In-Stock items have a standard processing time of 3-5 business days.
Special Order items will indicate their corresponding lead times on the product page.
When an item is on backorder, we are ordering the item from a supplier, and we display the expected number of days the item will take to ship. These dates are provided by the supplier to us, and unfortunately, sometimes the lead times can be extended. This is a common reason why shipments can be delayed.
If you have multiple items in an order, we can partially ship what is available and can keep you updated about when we expect your backorder to be filled.
Please note when an expedited transit method is selected, it does not always mean this product is available to ship the same day. If our parts are available to ship the same day ordered, you will be able to select our Same Day Ship Guarantee for an additional $25.00. This option is not available on parts that are not in stock in our New York warehouse.
If you have any questions related to lead times, or items that are on backorder, Contact Us.
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