Shipping options and their corresponding costs are dependent on various factors including the specific items in your shopping cart, as well as the destination to which your order is being shipped.
To calculate shipping options for your order, you will need to Proceed to Checkout and fill out the required shipping information. Please check and make sure all fields with asterisks are filled out and spelled correctly. You may also need to refresh your browser or clear your cache and shipping options may generate.
Alternatively, you may receive a quick shipping estimate at any time when viewing your shopping cart by using the Estimate Shipping tool located in your order summary.
It's important to realize that not all shipping methods are available for all locations or products. For example, we can only ship items that are considered dangerous goods by FedEx or UPS Overnight or Ground Service.
$100.00 Freight Forwarder Pickup" is NOT a courier service. This is a paperwork and handling fee for you to hire a freight company of your choosing to pick the order up at our New York location.
All of the charges include dangerous goods charges. Customs fees and duties are not included.
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