If your credit card was declined for payment or authorization but you aren't sure why, these common reasons for payment failure can help you troubleshoot the problem:
- A credit card issuer may decline a charge if your provided billing address differs from their information on file. Please make sure your billing address matches this information exactly.
- If you are positive that your information matches, and that your card has sufficient funds for payment, please contact your financial institution to resolve the issue. Your financial institution will be able to check the transaction log for your credit card and help fix the problem. In some cases, your credit card company may need to pre-authorize the transaction for you or authorize transactions for specific commodity types.
We can also accept payment via wire transfer if you are International, or by ACH payment if you are within the US (Internationally there would be a $45 bank fee added). If you want to submit the order and select the wire transfer payment, we will send you more details.
We can also process a purchase order. If you have one, you can send it to us at service@skygeek.com and we will then process it with payment options.
We're happy to help you get your order processed, please contact us if you need further assistance.
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